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In their memory

שלושה אנשים שלושה סיפורים

* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Their names were Tomer, Eitam and Barak. However, they were not murdered in the terror attack on Dizengoff Street because of their personal identity, but only because they belonged to the Jewish nation. Today, the three of them will be brought to rest. We say that when someone passes away, a void is created that needs to be filled. Here are remembrances about each of them that can help make our own lives fuller:

Tomer Morad loved to take trips in Israel. He had planned his annual trip for Pesach with friends and sent them pictures and videos in advance so they could already get into the spirit of their adventure. A friend of his said in an interview that this anecdote represents who he was - the organizer, the leader of the pack.

Eitam Megini and Ayala were engaged a month ago. Eitam began to plan the wedding. His last message on WhatsApp to his grandfather, Chagai, was from a caring grandson regarding the guest list. "I want to talk with you regarding who you want to invite, but without any pressure," he wrote. His grandfather remarked that this message was only one example of his grandson's devotion and love.

Barak Lufan, married and the father of three, was an Olympic level kayaker. After he retired from professional racing, he dedicated many years to training young people in the sport and also trained those with disabilities on our Paralympic team. I heard a member of the Israel Paralympic Committee relate how Barak, on the one hand, knew how to smile and encourage and be all inclusive when it came to the physically challenged kayakers while, on the other hand, he was a complete professional who demanded excellence and achievement without any compromise.

In their memory.


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