* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr
Wow! Nasralla is no longer part of this world. Here are some more reflections on what happened this weekend.
1) Nasralla was known for his famous “Spider web speech” in which he expressed his “cobweb theory” of Israeli society. Remember that one? He stated, with great arrogance, that Israeli society is broken, crushed, and weak. He could not have been more mistaken. We are not a “spider web,” but a “a people that rises up like a lioness” (Bamidbar 23:24). We rise up from the pain and shock, wake up, and surprise the world—we even surprise ourselves.
2) Nasralla did not only threaten Israel’s north, nor was he only the enemy of the State of Israel. He was the enemy of the entire world—the enemy of God and of all that is good, holy, and life-affirming.
3) We must continue to dream big: The magnitude of the evil perpetrated against us on October 7 was shocking. It turns out, that we can also be surprised by the good. Yes, it is possible. We must continue to act on this belief and to reach for the top. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to all those involved in even the most minute details of this massive operation. Even beyond its practical success, this mission demonstrates that we are capable of achieving great things and it also fills us with encouragement and hope. It is possible to change our reality.
4) And here we stand on the brink of Rosh Hashanah, in which so many of our prayers describe a healed world in which “all wickedness will vanish like smoke.” Evil is indeed like smoke; it has no real substance. It only appears dark and frightening. And the good is like a wind that blows the evil away, leaving the skies pure and clear, just as they appear this morning.
May all our longings and prayers come true, and may the Good completely defeat the Evil—in our hearts and minds and in the entire world.
Shavua Tov and we look forward to hearing more good news!