Today we begin the Book of Numbers with Parshat Bamidbar. In the Sinai Desert, God commands the Israelites to conduct a census. It’s about numbers, and counting, sure. But the parsha is really about making sure each person feels like they personally count. It’s about validating others and raising their heads high. It’s about experiencing oneself as an essential part of a whole. What’s this got to do with Jewish leaders, from Moses to the Rambam, Rabbi Jonathan Sacks to the Lubavitcher Rebbe? Listen to the new episode of the English Podcast and find out.
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סיון רהב-מאיר
Sivan Rahav-Meir is a media personality and lecturer. Married to Yedidya, the mother of five. Lives in Jerusalem.
She works for Israel TV news, writes a column for Yediot Aharonot newspaper, and hosts a weekly radio show on Galei Zahal (Army Radio). Her lectures on the weekly Torah portion are attended by hundreds and the live broadcast attracts thousands more listeners throughout the world.