Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
All the experts say that we need to stick to a regular routine. That in an uncertain time, when the entire world is being tossed about and our personal reality is so unpredictable, we need to find anchors of stability within our lives.
So mazal tov. Today tens of thousands of students begin a daily Rambam study. Each day they will learn a portion from Rambam's all-encompassing book, the MIshneh Torah, that is a summary of all parts of the Torah. Day after day, drop by drop, and at the end they will complete the entire work. Yesterday throughout Israel and the world there was a celebration at the conclusion of this three-year cyclical Rambam study and today the cycle begins all over again.
You can join this learning project today. It is especially fitting to do so at such a stormy time when a few minutes each day can be devoted solely to concentration on Rambam's precious words, on filling up with them – an expression of commitment to the Torah while forgetting the news of the day for just a little while. The daily Rambam, like the daily daf (Gemara page), the daily Mishnah, and even the daily personal study of any book of Torah learning (Midrash, Torah commentary, or Jewish thought) to which you feel a connection – is always a blessed endeavor. But at this time attachment to daily study reminds us more than usual of who we are and in what direction we should go. Such learning gives us a proper perspective on our daily struggles and becomes an island of sanity during a crazy period.
So what will your daily study be?
Shabbat shalom.