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National Appreciation Day for Wounded Israeli Soldiers

הרבי מלובביץ' בפגישה עם המצויינים

Today we mark the National Appreciation Day for Wounded Israeli Soldiers and wounded Victims of Terror. Unfortunately, this year there are thousands of new heroic wounded people who worthy of recognition. The following words by the Lubavitcher Rebbe are dedicated to them.

After the Yom Kippur War, a group of IDF disabled veterans visited the United States. They entered the Rebbe's office and left feeling empowered.

"What’s on the outside is important," he said, "but it is certainly not the only thing. We believe that within the body resides a divine soul that is the essence of a person. The physical body is a tool meant to enable her to fulfill the purpose for which she came into the world.

And what if the body is damaged? What if it is limited? Well, even then the soul's purpose is not canceled and it will continue to strive to fulfill it. Although the body is lacking, the soul will then receive 'extra strength', and will have double the power to succeed in its missions. Therefore, I think it is appropriate to call you by another, more true name. Not 'disabled veterans' but - 'Exceptional soldier'."

One soldier, Yosef Kavilio, lost his leg in battles in the Golan Heights. He later said excitedly that the Rebbe told him only two words: "Thank you very much!", But according to him, "These were exactly the words my heart needed to hear. Since the injury, a frustrating feeling has accompanied me: I gave my soul to the people of Israel and even sacrificed part of my body for it. And the people - some are indifferent to me and others pity me. No one truly knows how to appreciate what I did for them. When the Rebbe said to me 'thank you very much', I felt he was saying this as a representative of the people of Israel, expressing appreciation and gratitude for what I gave."

There is still much to be done in this area. But first, let us also say on this day: Exceptional soldiers, thank you very much.


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