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The greatest gift

נתינת זר פרחים
Translation by Yehoshua Siskin 
The greatest gift is not to be found in something we receive, but in what we give.
After being on the receiving end of numerous miracles and an abundance of loving-kindness, the nation of Israel does give thanks, but also complains about hunger and thirst, wants to return to Egypt, and ultimately makes a golden calf.
But notice how the tone changes in this week's Torah portion: God ceases to give and, instead, demands something from us: "Speak to the children of Israel and have them take for me a donation offering." Contribute, He tells us, give something of yourselves, connect to a higher purpose. And what happens then? There is an outburst of giving from among the people, a positive and blessed activism, an urge to contribute and to volunteer, without complaint.
Sometimes when children are bored, they only need an opportunity to give, a task that imparts a sense of importance and responsibility, to spark them into action (and this can even be washing dishes). And sometimes adults, when feeling that everything is grey and depressing, will be lifted out of the doldrums the moment they recognize the significance in what they do every day and develop a sense of mission regarding their work and other activities.
This week's parasha reveals a great secret regarding our relationships, whether with God or other people: When we are the ones who give, we feel more connected than when we receive, and derive real joy from our relationships. You are all invited to think of examples from your own lives where adopting a giving attitude made a difference.


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