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The Last Shabbat of the Year

השבת האחרונה של השנה

* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr

You might not realize it, but there are important changes taking place beneath the surface: More than 150 survivors of the Nova festival will be getting together to keep Shabbat this week, and it’s not the first time. It’s already become a tradition.

I joined the WhatsApp group for “Kesher Yehudi (“A Jewish Connection”) that has been organizing these Shabbatot and today I read a post that I found very moving. Maor Shalom, who experienced an incredible rescue from the festival, posted this morning that he’s been sitting at home waiting for Shabbat to start. His bag has been packed for a while, and he has felt so excited since Thursday morning.

Shabbat Shalom to you, Maor. On the last Shabbat of the year, it’s customary to add something special to your observance of this day as a way to honor this Shabbat even more. If only I could merit to feel the excitement that you do in anticipation of Shabbat!

And to all my readers: What will you do to celebrate the last Shabbat of the year?


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