Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
I imagine that most of you reading this have never heard of Rabbi Tuvia Peles, but a significant number of you, no doubt, have heard of his life's work: "Dvar Malchut." The famous colored booklets are published each week and contain an enormous treasure of divrei Torah and Chasidut: the weekly Torah portion with Rashi's commentary (with an additional commentator that Raabi Peles changed from year to year), the Haftarah, carefully chosen letters and thoughts of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, annotated book of Tanya segments, daily Rambam studies, sparks of inspiration from the parasha, and much more.
We have been subscribers to "Dvar Malchut" for a number of years (truth be told we have two subscriptions in order to maintain shalom bayit ...) and inestimable content has been added to our lives through the many hours we have put the booklets to use. Multiply those hours by the tens of thousands of copies distributed each week throughout the world. It's amazing to see how one person's devotion to a project can make such an enormous difference in the lives of so many people.
Rabbi Tuvia Peles passed away suddenly this week at the age of 73. He was a man of obsessions, from serving as the head of Prime MInister Ben-Gurion's security at Kibbutz Sde Boker until his final days, when he continued to utilize every moment with thoughts of how to spread more and more Torah.
While looking at the booklets on my desk, I suddenly noticed that his name does not appear anywhere on them. He acted with such modesty that so many who owe him so much are only now hearing about him for the first time