Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
Welcome back from the holidays to the special moments of our daily routine! Where do we go from here? To the first Torah potion, parashat Bereishit. This week we are privileged to start the Torah from the beginning. It's an opportunity to join in feeling the heartbeat of the Jewish world. Just this week, Yehudit Shlezinger wrote to me as follows:
"I'm a haredi woman from Jerusalem and Shikma Malinovsky is a secular woman from the north. We met through Kesher Yehudi, an organization that makes these sorts of connections. For a long time, we searched for something to study together over the phone and we finally found it.
Both of us are married, both of us are mothers, and both of us are so busy that we never succeeded in sticking to a subject until the idea of studying the weekly Torah portion arose. We decided to study the portion of the week every Friday. We started from Bereishit, and studied the parasha week after week, every Friday, from Genesis to Deuteronomy, even if it was only for a few minutes. We persevered through the quarantines, working at home with our children in the background, and we continued to focus on the Torah even in the stormy days of controversy between the religious and secular sectors. And so, this week we have finished!
Before Simchat Torah I sent my "chevruta" (study partner) a cake that she likes and I wrote the following: 'Dear Shikma, On the holiday of Simchat Torah we are privileged to rejoice in finishing the Torah together with the entire nation of Israel. May we merit to be renewed together as we begin again from the beginning. Your partner, Yehudit"