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What is Important to Show the Young?

הרב שלמה קורח זצ"ל

Rabbi Shlomo Korach was considered to be the oldest of the Rabbis of Yemen. He was born in Tzan'a, and for decades he educated and taught in Israel, until his passing yesterday at the age of 84. In one of his commentaries on this week's Torah Portion he wrote a fascinating idea about educating children:

"The first man, Adam, whose greatness is unfathomable, nevertheless raised Cain, the first murderer, in his home. In contrast, Terach, who was an idol worshiper, raised in his home Avraham, the founder of our nation and the one who established faith in One G-d. How could it be?
"In the home of Adam, the first man, there was a spiritual downfall. They turned to materialism and lust, to the forbidden fruit of the tree of knowledge. In addition, it was a home in which one does not admit the truth. When Adam and Eve were caught after the sin, they blamed each other instead of admitting the truth. When a child grows up in such an atmosphere, this is the result. In contrast, Terach worshiped idols all of his life, but at the end of his days he reached the truth. His whole life he was searching for the truth, and from a home in which people search for truth, even if they don't yet find it - an Avraham can emerge. Especially in our generation, it is important to show young people how important the truth is, in the home, admitting the truth and striving towards the right, proper things."


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