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What is the dream of Ishay Ribo?

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Hundreds of girls heard Ishay Ribo speak this week in the Nifgashot workshop. Here are a few of the beautiful thoughts he articulated on this occasion:

  • "For this generation, Jewish music is part and parcel of life. In my opinion, this is not a trend. This will endure forever and will only increase. Slowly but surely there will be more popular music with real content, depth, and spirit. What we see today is only the beginning".
  • "I was a soldier, married, and the father of a baby when I started to record. At that time, I asked HaShem to grant me a livelihood from music, even if that would be in the most minimal way. Only that there should be enough money to bring home so that I could do what I loved. Today, in moments of great success, on the stage in Caesarea, I have strived to remember that moment in which I was ready to sacrifice everything so that twenty people would agree to listen to one of my songs. Remembering that moment gives me a sense of proportion".
  • "My family made aliyah from France when I was eight years old, and I am so happy that they did. My dream is to go on a tour of appearances before Jewish audiences throughout the world under the banner of 'Return Home.' These appearances will be my personal contribution to whoever contends with assimilation or with anti-Semitism, to remind them of our true identity. Anyone who has a family in the Diaspora must be an ambassador and influence others - pleasantly, without coercion - to return home. Our privilege of living here cannot be taken for granted in any way. Today there are so many problems in the Diaspora that many are asking themselves if that is the place for them. In my opinion, we must llve here joyfully with the confidence that this is the best place in the world to be. Then the masses of Diaspora Jews will surely come."


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