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What kind of country is this?

נדיר חובב, סמי סטיירוב ודניאל שמואלי עם הרכב החדש

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

We have a tendency to generalize. Several days ago, Yuri Volkov was stabbed to death on a street in Holon. This was a truly horrible incident. But how quickly were many of us ready to jump to the conclusion that "this is a country where anyone can get stabbed in the street."

But then this week an announcement was published by Nadir Hovav on Facebook that read as follows: "In search of a small car for my wife, up to 7,500 shekels, in excellent condition. I will be glad if you can compromise on the price since I have a disability and every shekel is crucial to me."

Within a short time, this post reached 260,000 Internet users. There were numerous shares and reactions as if everyone online wished to help Nadir. It was a wave of digital lovingkindness: "I will gladly buy you a car," "If you don't find a car, contact me and I will gladly help," "We are a car dealership and want to give you a car," and on and on.

Sammy Steirov was the one privileged to be designated to perform this mitzvah: "Dear friend," he wrote, "choose a car with an affordable price and I will buy it for you." Immediately afterwards, Daniel Shmueli wrote: "I have a large selection of cars. You can come and choose whichever car you want and pay whatever you can afford." On Wednesday of this week, Nadir took a train from Ashdod to Haifa. Sammy took a day off from work and waited for him at the station. From there he took Nadir to Akko, to Daniel. Ultimately Nadir insisted on paying for the car himself.

So if we are "a country where people are stabbed in the streets," it's also possible to generalize in the other direction and say that we are a country in which tens of thousands of people are ready to help a disabled person -- whom they don't even know -- buy a car for his wife.

Shabbat shalom.


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