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5 Things for Shabbat Terumah

תרומה תשפ"ה

1. This week's Torah portion is Parshat Terumah, the seventh parsha in the Book of Exodus. The entire parsha deals with building the Mishkan (Tabernacle), which was the spiritual center that accompanied the people during their 40-year journey in the desert. The Torah commands us to build a spiritual center in every place, like a synagogue, and the people did not wait until they reached the Land of Israel to build the Temple. We always need a holy place that goes with us.

2. After the Exodus from Egypt, the splitting of the Red Sea, and receiving the Torah at Mount Sinai – there is a change of direction in this portion: now God demands that we begin to act and do. Not just receive gifts and an abundance of kindness from Him, but to perform things ourselves. To contribute to the Mishkan and build it.

3. The creation of the world is described in the Torah in about 30 verses, while the building of the Mishkan is described in about 400 verses. Our commentators explain that the Torah is not a book of history or science; it does not deal with the world but with what humans need to do in this world. This is the essence.

4. In the parsha there is a famous verse: "And they shall make Me a sanctuary - and I will dwell among them." God asks us to establish a holy place, to act and do, but reminds us that He also dwells within our hearts, within us.

5. Rosh Chodesh Adar starts tonight (and will continue on to Friday and Shabbat) and in about two weeks we’ll celebrate Purim. When Adar begins, we increase in joy, and here it has already begun.
From these challenging days - may we have a Shabbat Shalom, a good month, and good news.



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