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Five ideas before Shabbat Zachor

שיעור לפרשת תצוה תשפה


* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr

1) This week’s parasha is Tetzaveh, the eighth parasha in the Book of Shemot. Most of the parasha focuses on the garments worn by the Kohen Gadol when he served in the mishkan (sanctuary) and later in the Temple in Jerusalem. The Torah attributes great importance to these distinguished garments as they are meant to arouse a feeling of awe in onlookers.

2) Some of our commentators consider our Shabbat clothes to be the “High Priest’s garments” of today. On Shabbat, we dress in festive clothing in recognition of the day’s uniqueness and holiness.

3) The Shabbat preceding Purim is known as “Shabbat Zachor.” Both men and women are obligated to go to the synagogue to hear the additional Torah reading beginning with the words, “Remember what Amalek did to you on your journey, after you left Egypt…” Immediately after we left Egypt, Amalek attacked us—and hundreds of years later, the evil Haman, a descendant of Amalek, tried to destroy the Jewish people. Since October 7, we understand how vital it is to proclaim to ourselves and to the entire world: Do not forget that absolute evil exists and must be destroyed.

4) Our sages explain that Amalek also symbolizes the internal foe existing within our hearts and minds that seeks to harm, weaken, and demoralize us, and to cause us to forget who we are and what we stand for. We must constantly strive to eliminate this persistent doubt and confusion.

5) And finally, we look forward to an exciting week in which we will commemorate the Fast of Esther and celebrate Purim and Shushan Purim (Purim in Jerusalem).

Shabbat Shalom.


Weekly Shiur in Hebrew:


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