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Chodesh Shevat Tov

* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr

1) Today is Rosh Chodesh Shevat. The initials of Shevat in Hebrew stand for: “Shenishma Besorot Tovot” —May we hear good news. Amen. May we be blessed with an abundance of good news and very soon.

2) Many laws and customs are observed on Rosh Chodesh: We add sections to our prayers and to Birkat HaMazon (Grace after Meals), recite a festive Hallel, and add a special chapter of Tehillim (Psalms).

3) Note the gathering momentum of this time of year: Today we mark Rosh Chodesh Shevat, in two weeks we will observe Tu B’Shevat, two weeks later Rosh Chodesh Adar, two weeks after that we will celebrate Purim, two weeks later Rosh Chodesh Nissan, and then, two weeks after that, we will arrive at Seder night. The Torah portions read during this period of the year also describe the process of redemption. If only we could all feel the impact of the transformations we will soon experience in nature and in our yearly calendar.

4) Let’s step back and view these dramatic changes from a broader perspective, especially during these challenging days. One hundred years ago, Rav Kook wrote a magnificent sentence that perfectly captures the spirit of the month of Shevat: “Fruit orchards sprouting in the Holy Land are the blossoming of the hope of generations.” It’s important to remember how for thousands of years the Jewish people yearned to see the Land of Israel blossom again.  And today—we are here. When you look around you and see the blooming of the beautiful trees in Israel, don’t take this miracle for granted.  This blossoming is also the realization of the dream of generations —a dream that, despite all the setbacks, continues to unfold day after day.

Chodesh Tov!


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