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Don’t be bitter like maror


* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr

Rabbi Efrem Goldberg of Boca Raton, Florida, once remarked that Pesach is like Disney World for kids. Here is his important message regarding the coming days, which holds true even during these challenging times:

Passover (Pesach) is the Holiday of Freedom. It’s our opportunity to communicate our values and the Story of Passover to the next generation. On Pesach, it’s important to keep in mind that we are supposed to eat Maror (bitter herbs) not become as bitter as Maror. In the days preceding Pesach and on Seder night itself, our guiding principles should be those of joy, enthusiasm, and meaning.

Here are some examples: The Search for Chametz is a holy game of “hide and seek.” It is supposed to be fun and not a burden. The same applies to the Burning of Chametz, the cooking, setting the table and, obviously, telling the Pesach story on Seder night.

It’s true, you have to clean. And yes, there is much to pray for, especially this year. But it’s important to ask yourselves: What sounds will be reverberating in your children’s ears when they think about Pesach in the future?  Will they remember screaming, complaining, and the feeling of a heavy burden? Or will they remember the exciting sounds of a family preparing together for one of the most meaningful days of the year?

The answer depends on us, now.


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