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Tent, well, ladder

סולם יעקב
ציור: יואל וקסברגר, מלכות וקסברגר

Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

Three symbols are associated with our nations’ forefathers Avraham, Yitzchak and Ya’akov. Which symbol is most identified with Avraham Avinu? A tent. It's a tent that's open on all four sides to anyone who is hungry, thirsty, or tired. It's a symbol of hospitality, of a perpetually open house where passersby are taught about faith, tzedakah, and lovingkindness.
And which symbol is most identified with Yitzchak? If Avraham's symbol is horizontal, as his tent is stretched wide to host the many wayfarers who stop there, Yitzchak's symbol is vertical and concerns depth, as represented by a well. Yitzchak dug up the same wells that his father had dug before him and taught us that we must persevere and never despair if we are to find the sweet water that resides in the depths. The message is clear: We can find meaning, even if the well leading to deeper understanding is blocked with sand, dust, and dirt, as long as we keep digging and never give up.
And what about Ya'akov Avinu whom we accompany on his journey to Charan in this week's Torah portion? What's his symbol? After the tent of Avraham which extends to the outside world and the well of Yitzchak that extends to the inner depths, Ya'akov's symbol is a ladder, as shown in his famous dream: *"And he dreamed and behold, a ladder was set up on the ground and its top reached to heaven."*
Ya'akov teaches us that this world and the next world do not need to be separate from each other. Instead, there is an everlasting connection between the physical and the spiritual, between what is revealed and what is hidden.
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov wrote: "'A ladder set up on the ground and its top reaching to heaven' - this is what human striving is all about." Our obligation is to connect earth with heaven, to fill our daily routine with holiness. Ya'akov Avinu challenges us with this mission, and I wish everyone success in its completion.


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