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“This flower has not yet opened”

עדינה והרב משה גנץ

* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin

“Shalom Sivan, Our grandmother, Adina Gantz, passed away last week. Together with our grandfather, Rabbi Moshe Gantz, she lived 40 years in Kiryat Hachinuch (Educational center) on Kibbutz Sha’alvim, where she taught thousands of students.

During the Shiva, dozens of visitors repeated for us the words for which she was famous: 'This flower has not yet opened', words that accompanied many of her students throughout their lives.

Grandmother completed a master’s degree in chemistry, but returned to teach primary school which was her true love. Whenever a student was unruly or failed an exam, she would say: 'This flower has not yet opened', always believing in every student’s potential. During the Shiva we met many whose flowers had, indeed, eventually opened.

May we all be privileged, with God’s help, to merit such stalwart faith, as expressed by grandma Adina, z”l - in children, in other people, and in the goodness that is yet to be revealed. Besoort tovot.”


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