* Translated by Janine Muller Sherr
When I was a child, I remember an ad on the radio that said: “What should you do? Do something!”
In a certain sense, this phrase would be an appropriate title for Parashat Terumah. For the first time since leaving Egypt, the people are starting to act.
Until this point, God has done everything for the nation of Israel: He struck Egypt with ten plagues, split the Sea of Reeds, and gave them the Torah on Mount Sinai. However, all these miracles and wonders did not prevent the nation from complaining; in fact, some of them even wanted to return to Egypt.
Then, in this week’s parasha, a revolution takes place. The nation is asked to transform themselves from passive onlookers to active participants by contributing their money and talents to the construction of the mishkan (sanctuary), their spiritual center in the desert.
When the people begin to immerse themselves in the joy of productivity and work together to achieve a common goal, their complaints soon disappear. God is communicating a clear message to the people: You are my partners. I am giving you mitzvot and detailed instructions because I want you to take an active role in this holy endeavor. And if we are reading these verses thousands of years after they were spoken, we know that we are continuing the story.
As the new week begins, let’s think of ways in which we too can act to bring more holiness and blessing to our world.
Shavua Tov.