* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin
The president of the United States, Donald Trump, declared that if all hostages are not returned by Shabbat: “Let all hell break loose.” These words were considered extreme and weird but suddenly when the most powerful person in the diplomatic world says it, it sounds rational: Why should there be any negotiations with murderous Nazi thugs that demand “humanitarian aid” while acting in a barbaric manner? And how have we allowed ourselves to be manipulated and divided by such loathsome creatures?
Sometimes in the midst of a bewildering situation, it is necessary for someone from the outside to step forward and remedy the confusion.
In this week’s Torah portion, we learn about Yitro, an erstwhile pagan priest who, hearing about the great miracles that had been done for us, becomes an ally and a convert after the Exodus from Egypt and our war with Amalek. He knows how to distinguish between the good he sees in us and the evil of our enemies and declares: “Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods.” To help Moses, his son-in-law, from exhausting himself by personally judging every legal matter, Yitro comes forward to suggest an efficient protocol for adjudicating disputes.
Trump is not Yitro and the change in perspective that we need must come from within. And yet, sometimes it is necessary for someone from the outside to shake us up and give us the courage to think and act appropriately. Sometimes we are too close to a situation — whether on a national or individual level — to see the truth.
Besorot tovot.