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What’s really happening in Metulah?

נציגי היזמים של הקהילה היהודית במקסיקו

* Translation by Yehoshua Siskin ([email protected])

“Shalom Sivan,
Metulah, the most northern city in Israel which abuts the border with Lebanon is desolate this morning. It is being bombarded once again. There are those who might be full of despair at hearing this news, but it is important to know what is happening behind the scenes. At this very moment, the city authorized the construction of a new neighborhood with dozens of housing units!

In the picture below, the representative of the Jewish community in Mexico (wearing the black kippa) that is investing in this project is seated next to me, the architect (in a white shirt), to the local counsel’s engineer and chairman of the planning commission, currently serving in the reserve forces, are present in their army uniforms. Final approval of the project will be given at the next meeting of the planning commission.

In the words of the prophet Jeremiah: “For so says the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; Houses and fields and vineyards shall be purchased again in this land.”

From Metulah, wishing that everyone should hear good news, Yitzhak Shapira״


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